
ACE stands for Art Care Education and we believe that regardless of age or background, everyone can benefit from creative inspiration in their lives. Our principle aims as a charity are to provide art and creative activity to inspire, empower and enable people to develop and grow.
Curator's Viewing Tips When Using This Virtual Exhibition

Full Screen
If you are using a desktop of laptop we highly recommend that once you enter the exhibition you click on the three horizontal bars and click "Enter Full Screen" this will enhance your experience.
When you enter the exhibition you will be given instructions on how to navigate the virtual exhibition.
Guide Tour / Start Tour
This function has a little mind of it's own and we suggest that you avoid using it unless absolutely necessary.
Detail View
Click on an image to enter detail view to see information and to see the image in a higher resolution.
Top Tip: If you are using a mouse with a wheel, once you are in detail view you can use the wheel to zoom in closer.

Exhibition of 50 selected artworks
This exhibition has now concluded and the artwork is displayed for archival purposes.
The Wessex Arts & Culture Guide, Evolver, in association with ACEarts and Mount are presenting this virtual exhibition which features the top 50 selected pieces of artwork following this year’s Evolver Prize competition. Each year artists are invited to submit magazine cover sized pieces of work with the winner being awarded the Evolver Prize of having their artwork featured on the cover of the magazine as well as a cash prize. This year’s winner is Leo Davey.
Visit ACEarts Website
Visit Evolver Website
Augmented Reality App Exhibition ID: 4050256

Exhibition of paintings by Jenny Graham
ACEarts presents an exhibition of paintings and sculptural constructions by Somerset artist Jenny Graham. A series of large paintings of the five districts of Somerset created especially for ACEarts. Includes etchings and assemblages relating to our magnificent county.

In Search Of Northern Soul
Exhibition of paintings by Leonard Green
ACEarts presents an exhibition of paintings by abstract artist Leonard Green. In this virtual interactive exhibition you are invited to explore the energetic movement in the dances related to Northern Soul music which provide the energy for these paintings. Powerful, dynamic compositions overlaid with gestural drawing.

The Dementia Darnings
Exhibition of Drawings with Thread by Jenni Dutton
ACEarts presents an exhibition of drawings with thread by Jenni Dutton. In this outstanding and emotional virtual interactive exhibition you are invited to take a tour of The Dementia Darnings which explores the effects of ageing and dementia using wool and thread.
Augmented Reality App Exhibition ID: 933020

Main space
Tuesday to Saturday 10am–5pm
Exhibition space
Tuesday to Saturday 10am–1pm 2–5pm
Market Place, Somerton, Somerset, TA11 7NB
01458 273008
Visit ACEarts Website
Our craft shop, with a level entrance and wide aisles throughout, has a large selection of high quality art and crafts available to purchase.
Select a Different Gallery Or Search
The Main Gallery
The Main Gallery houses a collection of virtual exhibitions which have been curated by The Absent Gallery following Open Call submissions from artists. Each Exhibition as been curated to reflect a theme.
The Feature Gallery
The Feature Gallery houses a collection of virtual exhibitions which have been submitted to The Absent Gallery and curated by individual artists and groups. Each Exhibition has been carefully selected.
The Galleria

Current Exhibitions
Open Exhibition features 130 artworks
from over 80 world-wide artists
Archived Exhibitions
Open Exhibition featured over 100 artworks
from 25 artists
The Main Gallery
The Main Gallery houses a collection of virtual exhibitions which have been curated by The Absent Gallery following Open Call submissions from artists. Each Exhibition as been curated to reflect a theme.

The Feature Gallery
The Feature Gallery houses a collection of virtual exhibitions which have been submitted to The Absent Gallery and curated by individual artists and groups. Each Exhibition has been carefully selected.

Current Exhibitions
Exhibition by of 50 Artists
Exhibition by Jenni Graham
In Search of Northern Soul
Exhibition by Leonard Green
The Dementia Darnings
Exhibition by Jenni Dutton
The Galleria
The Galleria houses a collection of independent virtual exhibitions which have been specifically created for, or submitted by Real World Galleries.

Augmented Reality
Bring the artwork straight into your home with this free app, available for iOS and Android devices.
View an entire exhibition or an individual art piece on the walls of your own home through your mobile device. Once installed follow the instructions and simply enter the exhibition or artwork ID number, which can be found alongside each virtual exhibition or individual artwork.
iOS: Download KUIO free from the Apple Store onto your iPad or iPhone
Android: Download ART.AUGMENTED free from Play Store.

Augmented Reality
Bring the artwork straight into your home with this free app, available for iOS and Android devices.
View an entire exhibition or an individual art piece on the walls of your own home through your mobile device. Once installed follow the instructions and simply enter the exhibition or artwork ID number, which can be found alongside each virtual exhibition or individual artwork.
iOS: Download KUIO free from the Apple Store onto your iPad or iPhone
Android: Download ART.AUGMENTED free from Play Store.